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I think spring back prediction by using implicit is not realistic. What is your opinion regarding the convergence issue?

Implicit spring back analysis is better if converged solution can be obtained. However, over the past two years, I have done over sixty forming simulations, and I only got two converged solutions for spring back simulation. So I think spring back prediction by using implicit is not realistic. What is your opinion regarding the convergence issue?

In LSTC, hundreds of spring back simulations have been conducted, and we have always found a converged solution. Having said this we did find that some of the converged results were very difficult to be obtain.

During the last few years, we have been able to participate several research projects, many of the participants were the top scientists, engineers in the field of sheet metal forming analysis all over the world. By closely working with these experts, and sharing information with them, we have been able to develop a nice procedure in spring back analysis.

In springback analysis, we cannot stick to one set of parameters, sometimes, we need to know how to change the values of these parameters. It is a difficult task for nonlinear implicit analysis, it is usually frustrating for the beginners. Sometimes, it is also very difficult for engineers with several years of experience.

However, we believe that, with our corporation, we will achieve our goal and we have already been very successful with some of our customers.