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Install a New Network License (Linux/Unix/Solaris)

    Important Note:

    Due to export regulations when using a virtual machine (VM) as license server, the server ID also does contain properties of the physical host system. So the license will get invalid when moving the VM to a different physical machine.


    1. INSTALL THE LICENSE SOFWARE: If you have purchased a new network license for LS-DYNA, then you should decide where you want to run the license server. The LSTC License Server may reside on a Linux, Unix, Solaris, or Microsoft Windows platform. All versions of LS-DYNA may acquire permission to run from this server, regardless of architecture or OS. A typical installation is found on this web page. More information can be found in the complete PDF Installation Guide.

      Choose a stable machine in order to minimize license down-time. Then download the LSTC Network License software for the machine which will run the license server. It is generally easier to install, upgrade and administer network licenses if the LSTC License Server is installed under the Microsoft Windows OS. However, those familiar with Unix/Linux/Solaris should not find it difficult to administer licenses on these platforms.

      Download the License Software from:

      After downloading the archive, choose a directory where you want to install the license server, move
      the archive to the installation directory, and cd into that directory. Then unpack the archive into
      the installation directory.

      For example,

              gunzip LSTC_LicenseManager_111345_xeon64_redhat50.tgz
      	tar xvf LSTC_LicenseManager_111345_xeon64_redhat50.tar
      You should now see the following files in the installation directory
              lstc_server     lstc_proxy     lstc_client
              lstc_qrun       lstc_vrun      lstc_qkill
              lstc_logreport  gmid


    2. GENERATE A LICENSE REQUEST: Run lstc_server with the info command line option in order to generate a license request form
              ./lstc_server info
      The server will print the following message to the terminal, indicating that it has created the sample request form LSTC_SERVER_INFO:
              Getting server information ...
              The hostid and other server information has been written to LSTC_SERVER_INFO.
              Please contact your local LS-DYNA distributor with this information to obtain a valid network license
      You will need to edit the top portion on this file, which looks like
              Your Company Name Here
                  EMAIL: NONE
                    FAX: NONE
              TELEPHONE: NONE
              SERVER: E3707F52 A6899CA8 B92C6922 838B5CE4 35DC4FC9
              # Linux desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-01-27
              # Host ID       : e3707f52
      Replace "Your Company Name Here" with the name of your company or organization. Specify the EMAIL address and TELEPHONE number of the primary technical contact for your organization. FAX is optional. The ALLOW_RANGE statement is required so that licenses are locked to your local network. You may specify any number of such statements such as
              ALLOW_RANGE: (recommended)
      After you have completed editing the license request form, please send your key request to your local LS-DYNA distributor along with any other information which is needed to fulfill your license request.
    3. START/STOP THE LICENSE SERVER: Your LS-DYNA distributor will send you a license file for your installation. Rename this license file to 'server_data' and then place this file in the server installation directory specified in (2). It is recommended that you specify a log file for job reporting. Human-readable entries are created in the log file for each job as it starts and stops. Any errors which occur during licensing will result in error/warning log entries. Use the following command to create a log file named lstclm.log in the current working directory:

              ./lstc_server -l lstclm.log
      The server runs in the background by default. The server automatically creates a kill script which may be used to kill the server.
      The server also saves the last start-up arguments in a file named "server_start", so that you may restart the server using the previous set of command line arguments, without having to remember them.


      NOTE: Make sure that the user who runs the server has permission to create/edit/remove any specified log file and script files "server_start" and "server_kill". The server must also create/edit status files "server_status" and "server_done_list".

    4. VERIFY THE INSTALLATION: Make sure the license server is running.

              ./lstc_qrun -s localhost -r
      You should see a full table of products that you have licensed, complete with (a) numbers of licenses and (b) exiration dates. Verify that the information is correct. If the server does not start for some reason, then you will see the message
              *** ERROR failed to open server localhost
      In that case, try starting the server in the foreground using the -f command line option. The server should print verbose information about the cause of failure. If you cannot correct the problem on your own, then contact your LS-DYNA distributor for license key support.


    5. FIREWALL SETTINGS: By default, the license server listens on port 31010 (both UDP and TCP/IP.) So you must configure any firewall on the license server machine to allow inbound data/connections on these ports. You may choose a different port for the server by adding a "PORT:" entry into the license file. For example, if you would like to use port 31111, then add the following "PORT:" entry into "server_data" directly beneath the "SERVER:" line:

              SERVER: E3707F52
              PORT: 31111
      *** WARNING *** Changing other lines in the file may invalidate the license file.


      If you change the default port number, then all utilities (as well as LS-DYNA) require that you manually set the port number. For example, you will need to specify the port for "lstc_qrun"

              ./lstc_qrun -s 31111@localhost -r
      Adding a file named LSTC_FILE to the server installation directory with the following line will eliminate the need to specify a default port/host name for the license utilities. This will make it easier to administer licenses:
      	#LICENSE_SERVER: port@host_or_ip
          or (if using the default port)
      	#LICENSE_SERVER: host_or_ip
      However, this only affects the behavior of "lstc_qrun" and other utilities if you run the particular utility located in the server installation directory. Instead of running "./lstc_qrun -s 31111@localhost -r", you may now run "./lstc_qrun -r" Of course, you may override the default in LSTC_FILE by specifying the -s command line option.