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Upgrade a Network License (Linux/Unix/Solaris)

  1. UPDATE THE LICENSE FILE: Find the existing LSTC License Manager software installation directory, and 'cd' into this directory. The existing installation directory will contain the LSTC License Manager executable "lstc_server", as well as an existing license file "server_data". Move the existing license file to a new name
            mv server_data server_data.old
    Copy the new license file obtained from your LS-DYNA distributor into the current directory under the name "server_data" . When the server is restarted next, it will pick up the new license file. Check the permissions and ownership of this file in order to guarantee that the license server will be able to read the new license file. The best practice is to match the permissions and ownership of the old license data.

    *** WARNING *** If there are any user-specified lines in the previous license file, then you must manually copy these lines into the new license files. Such lines start with HOST:, HOST1:, HOST2:, HOST3:, PORT:, PORT1:, PORT2: and PORT3:.

  2. UPGRADE THE LICENSE SOFTWARE (optional): We recommend that you upgrade the license server at the same time that you obtain a new license file from your LS-DYNA distributor. Regardless of whether or not you upgrade the existing license software, you must stop and restart the license server whenever you obtain a new license. If the server is down for a few minutes only, then running licenses should not be lost in the process.

    Download the License Software from:
    After downloading the archive, choose a directory where you want to install the license server, move the archive to the installation directory, and cd into that directory. Then unpack the archive into the installation directory.

    After downloading the software archive, move the archive into the current installation directory. In preparation for the upgrade, rename the existing license server executable:

            mv lstc_server lstc_server.old

    Now unpack the new software archive. For example,

            gunzip LSTC_LicenseManager_111345_xeon64_redgat50.tgz
            tar xvf LSTC_LicenseManager_111345_xeon64_redhat50.tar

    Check the permissions on the LSTC License Manager executable "lstc_server" in order to ensure that the server will start properly.


  3. STOP AND RESTART THE SERVER: You will now have a new license file "server_data" and, optionally, a new server executable "lstc_server".

    If there are start and kill scripts "server_start" and "server_kill" in the current working directory, then execute them in order

            ./server_kill ; ./server_start
    The new server should now be running, which you can verify using
            ./lstc_qrun -q
    If this does not work, then check "server_data" for any non-standard port number "PORT:" spec, and connect directly to this port
            ./lstc_qrun -s port@localhost -q
    The output from this command will include the version number of the server. If this server number does not match the version number on the archive you just downloaded, then the server_kill script failed. In that case, then proceed to the next case, ignoring the scripts "server_start" and "server_kill".


    If you do not have "server_start" and "server_kill" scripts in the current working directory, find the PID of the "lstc_server" process, and use that PID to kill the process manually

            ps -lef | grep lstc_server
            kill -TERM PID
    Then start the process manually
        SYNTAX:  ./lstc_server [-l job_log_file_name] [-a|-n|-N] [-q]
            where the command line options are
              -l file : log job request/completion/error/warrning to 'file'
                   -a : Allow programs to be killed by anyone.
                   -n : Allow programs to be killed based on user name alone (default).
                   -N : Require user/host to match in order to kill jobs.
                   -q : Do not allow programs to be queued when there are
                        no available licenses.
    The start options will be saved to a new script "server_start" so that you may restart the server using the "server_start" script.
  4. VERIFY THE NEW LICENSES: You should be able to contact the license server directly using

            ./lstc_qrun -r
    If this command fails, then look for any non-standard port numbers for your server which are specified in "server_data", and try to connect to the port directly
            ./lstc_qrun -s localhost -r    or   ./lstc_qrun -s port@localhost


    *** WARNING *** If the new server fails to start for some reason, then restore the older server, start the old server, and contact your LS-DYNA distributor.

            mv lstc_server lstc_server.new
            cp lstc_server.old lstc_server
            ./lstc_server [-l job_log_file_name] [-a|-n|-N]